Our Mission : Zero Waste & Sustainable Nontails

To follow zero waste and sustainable practices, please consider the following tips and procedures:
  1. Ingredient Selection: Choose locally sourced, organic, and seasonal ingredients to reduce carbon footprint and support local farmers. Avoid single-use packaging and opt for ingredients with minimal packaging or in bulk.

  2. Repurposing and Creative Use: Find innovative ways to repurpose ingredients and minimize waste. For example, use citrus peels for garnishes, repurpose fruit pulp for syrups or shrubs, and save herb stems for infusions or garnishes.

  3. Composting and Recycling: Set up a composting system to dispose of organic waste like fruit peels, herb scraps, and leftover pulp. Separate and recycle any recyclable materials such as glass bottles or cans.

  4. Efficient Juice Extraction: Maximize juice extraction by using efficient juicers or reamers. Roll citrus fruits on a hard surface before juicing to extract more juice.

  5. Controlled Pouring and Measuring: Practice controlled pouring and measuring to minimize spills and excess ingredients. This helps ensure accurate measurements and reduces waste.

  6. Garnish Mindfully: opt for edible garnishes like herbs, fruit slices, or edible flowers. Avoid plastic picks or unnecessary garnish that may contribute to waste.

  7. Reusable and Sustainable Tools: Use reusable glassware, stainless steel straws, and sustainable cocktail tools instead of single-use plastic alternatives. Consider bamboo or metal muddlers, stirring spoons, and jiggers.

  8. Water Conservation: Be mindful of water usage. Avoid excessive rinsing and clean equipment efficiently. Consider reusing water from melted ice for plants or other purposes.

  9. Collaborate with Suppliers: Engage with suppliers who prioritize sustainability and zero waste. Seek out companies that offer eco-friendly packaging or alternatives to traditional cocktail ingredients.

  10. Education and Awareness: Educate staff and guests about your sustainable practices, highlighting the importance of minimizing waste and supporting environmentally friendly initiatives.

By implementing these practices, you can create nontail while minimizing waste and promoting sustainability. Cheers to eco-friendly mixology!